Rock bands in Eurovision can be very much make or break- however danish band A Freind from London- certainly did Denmark proud. Apart from winners Azerbaijan, Denmark managed to retain a Top 5 placing at Eurovision 2-years running. With 'New Tomorrow'- this may not be all the band will be remembered for either at Dusseldorf 2011 when the cute lead singer Tim Schou shouted out
"You know baby, I want to...I want to f**k you" to the camera during voting -amied at the 12 points from Netherlands. It was simply an excited reaction to Mandy Hudts the announcer for Netherlands votes. (see NL voting clip)
However this may go down in history as the only time bad language has taken place during the LiveESC voting!
Hey but wait there is more- strangely 2 months following all promo & buzz of Eurovision
A Freind from London have only just done the video for 'New Tomorrow' single!
had they used this clip at the time- who know how much further they could have gone to a top placing in Dusseldorf? check it out the vid here-

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